Source code for

#  This file provides a variety of parallel input/output functions.
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyCTQW - Distributed memory CTQW Fortran library and Python module
#  Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Joshua Izaac
#  pyCTQW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation.
#  pyCTQW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
#  more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with pyCTQW. If not, see <>.
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Input and output functions.

import os as _os
import errno as _errno
import sys as _sys
import numpy as _np

from petsc4py import PETSc as _PETSc
import fileinput as _fl

def createPath(filename):
	if _os.path.isabs(filename):
		outDir = _os.path.dirname(filename)
		outDir = './'+_os.path.dirname(filename)

	# create output directory if it doesn't exist
	except OSError as exception:
		if exception.errno != _errno.EEXIST:

[docs]def vecToArray(obj): """ Converts a PETSc vector to a numpy array, available on *all* MPI nodes. Args: obj (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec): input vector. Returns: numpy.array : """ # scatter vector 'obj' to all processes comm = obj.getComm() scatter, obj0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toAll(obj) scatter.scatter(obj, obj0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) return _np.asarray(obj0) # deallocate comm.barrier() scatter.destroy() obj0.destroy()
[docs]def vecToArray0(obj): """ Converts a PETSc vector to a numpy array available on MPI node 0. Args: obj (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec): input vector. Returns: numpy.array : """ # scatter vector 'obj' to process 0 comm = obj.getComm() rank = comm.getRank() scatter, obj0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(obj) scatter.scatter(obj, obj0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) if rank == 0: return _np.asarray(obj0) # deallocate comm.barrier() scatter.destroy() obj0.destroy()
[docs]def arrayToVec(vecArray): """ Converts a (global) array to a PETSc vector over :attr:`petsc4py.PETSc.COMM_WORLD`. Args: vecArray (array or numpy.array): input vector. Returns: petsc4py.PETSc.Vec() : """ vec = _PETSc.Vec().create(comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) vec.setSizes(len(vecArray)) vec.setUp() (Istart,Iend) = vec.getOwnershipRange() return vec.createWithArray(vecArray[Istart:Iend], comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) vec.destroy()
[docs]def arrayToMat(matArray): """ Converts a (global) 2D array to a PETSc matrix over :attr:`petsc4py.PETSc.COMM_WORLD`. Args: matArray (array or numpy.array): input square array. :rtype: petsc4py.PETSc.Mat() .. important:: Requires `SciPy <>`_. """ try: import scipy.sparse as sparse except: print '\nERROR: loading matrices from txt files requires Scipy!' return matSparse = sparse.csr_matrix(matArray) mat = _PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=matSparse.shape,comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) (Istart,Iend) = mat.getOwnershipRange() ai = matSparse.indptr[Istart:Iend+1] - matSparse.indptr[Istart] aj = matSparse.indices[matSparse.indptr[Istart]:matSparse.indptr[Iend]] av =[matSparse.indptr[Istart]:matSparse.indptr[Iend]] mat.setValuesCSR(ai,aj,av) mat.assemble() return mat mat.destroy()
[docs]def matToSparse(mat): """ Converts a PETSc matrix to a (global) sparse matrix. Args: mat (petsc4py.PETSc.Mat): input PETSc matrix. :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix .. important:: Requires `SciPy <>`_. """ import scipy.sparse as sparse data = mat.getValuesCSR() (Istart,Iend) = mat.getOwnershipRange() columns = mat.getSize()[0] sparseSubMat = sparse.csr_matrix(data[::-1],shape=(Iend-Istart,columns)) comm = _PETSc.COMM_WORLD sparseSubMat = comm.tompi4py().allgather(sparseSubMat) return sparse.vstack(sparseSubMat)
[docs]def adjToH(adj,d=[0],amp=[0.]): """ Creates a 1 particle PETSc-type Hamiltonian matrix from a PETSc adjacency matrix. Args: adj (petsc4py.PETSc.Mat): input PETSc-type adjacency matrix. d (array of ints): an array containing *integers* indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. ``d=[0,1,4]``). amp (array of floats): an array containing *floats* indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in ``d`` (e.g. ``amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]``). Returns: : 1 particle Hamiltonian matrix :rtype: petsc4py.PETSc.Mat() Warning: * The size of ``a`` and ``d`` must be identical >>> amp = [0.5,-1.,4.2] >>> len(d) == len(amp) True * Elements of ``d`` can range from :math:`[0,N-1]` where the adjacency matrix is :math:`N\\times N`. """ (Istart,Iend) = adj.getOwnershipRange() diagSum = [] for i in range(Istart,Iend): diagSum.append(_np.sum(adj.getRow(i)[-1])) for j,val in enumerate(d): if i==val: diagSum[i-Istart] += amp[j] mat = _PETSc.Mat().create(comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) mat.setSizes(adj.getSize()) mat.setUp() for i in range(Istart,Iend): mat.setValue(i,i,diagSum[i-Istart]) mat.assemble() mat.axpy(-1,adj) return mat mat.destroy() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #---------------------- Vec I/O functions --------------------------- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def exportVec(vec,filename,filetype): """ Export a PETSc vector to a file. Args: vec (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec): input vector. filename (str): path to desired output file. filetype (str): the filetype of the exported vector. * ``'txt'`` - a column vector in text format. * ``'bin'`` - a PETSc binary vector. """ createPath(filename) if filetype == 'txt': # scatter prob to process 0 comm = vec.getComm() rank = comm.getRank() scatter, vec0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(vec) scatter.scatter(vec, vec0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # use process 0 to write to text file if rank == 0: array0 = _np.asarray(vec0) with open(filename,'w') as f: for i in range(len(array0)): f.write('{0: .12e}\n'.format(array0[i])) # deallocate comm.barrier() scatter.destroy() vec0.destroy() elif filetype == 'bin': binSave = _PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(filename, 'w') binSave(vec) binSave.destroy() vec.comm.barrier()
[docs]def loadVec(filename,filetype): """ Import a PETSc vector from a file. Args: filename (str): path to input file. filetype (str): the filetype. * ``'txt'`` - a column vector in text format. * ``'bin'`` - a PETSc binary vector. """ if filetype == 'txt': try: vecArray = _np.loadtxt(filename,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType) return arrayToVec(vecArray) except: print "\nERROR: input state space file " + filename\ + " does not exist or is in an incorrect format" _sys.exit() elif filetype == 'bin': binLoad = _PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(filename, 'r') try: return _PETSc.Vec().load(binLoad) except: print "\nERROR: input state space file " + filename\ + " does not exist or is in an incorrect format" _sys.exit() binLoad.destroy() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #---------------------- Mat I/O functions --------------------------- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def exportMat(mat,filename,filetype,mattype=None): """ Export a PETSc matrix to a file. Args: mat (petsc4py.PETSc.Mat): input matrix. filename (str): path to desired output file. filetype (str): the filetype of the exported vector. * ``'txt'`` - a 2D matrix array in text format. * ``'bin'`` - a PETSc binary matrix. mattype (str): (``None``,``'adj'``) - if set to ``adj``, only integers ``0`` and ``1`` are written. Note that this only applied in ``txt`` mode. """ rank = _PETSc.Comm.Get_rank(_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) createPath(filename) if filetype == 'txt': txtSave = _PETSc.Viewer().createASCII(filename, 'w', format=_PETSc.Viewer.Format.ASCII_DENSE, comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) txtSave(mat) txtSave.destroy() if rank == 0: for line in _fl.FileInput(filename,inplace=1): if line[2] != 't': if mattype == 'adj': line = line.replace(" i","j") line = line.replace(" -","-") line = line.replace("+-","-") line = line.replace("0000e+01+0.00000e+00j","") line = line.replace(".00000e+00+0.00000e+00j","") line = line.replace(".","") line = line.replace(" -","\t-") line = line.replace(" ","\t") line = line.replace(" ","") line = line.replace("\t"," ") print line, else: line = line.replace(" i","j") line = line.replace(" -","-") line = line.replace("+-","-") print line, elif filetype == 'bin': binSave = _PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(filename, 'w', comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) binSave(mat) binSave.destroy() mat.comm.barrier()
[docs]def loadMat(filename,filetype,delimiter=None): """ Import a PETSc matrix from a file. Args: filename (str): path to input file. filetype (str): the filetype. * ``'txt'`` - a 2D matrix array in text format. * ``'bin'`` - a PETSc matrix vector. delimiter (str): this is passed to `numpy.genfromtxt\ <>`_ in the case of strange delimiters in an imported ``txt`` file. """ if filetype == 'txt': try: try: if delimiter is None: matArray = _np.genfromtxt(filename,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType) else: matArray = _np.genfromtxt(filename,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType,delimiter=delimiter) except: filefix = [] for line in _fl.FileInput(filename,inplace=0): if line[2] != 't': line = line.replace(" i","j") line = line.replace(" -","-") line = line.replace("+-","-") filefix.append(line) matArray = _np.genfromtxt(filefix,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType) return arrayToMat(matArray) except: print "\nERROR: input state space file " + filename\ + " does not exist or is in an incorrect format" _sys.exit() elif filetype == 'bin': binLoad = _PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(filename, 'r') try: return _PETSc.Mat().load(binLoad) except: print "\nERROR: input state space file " + filename\ + " does not exist or is in an incorrect format" _sys.exit() binLoad.destroy()
[docs]def exportVecToMat(vec,filename,filetype): """ Export a :math:`N^2` element PETSc vector as a :math:`N\\times N` matrix. This is useful when wanting to view the full statespace of a 2 particle quantum walk. Args: vec (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec): input :math:`N^2` element vector. filename (str): path to desired output file. filetype (str): the filetype of the exported vector. * ``'txt'`` - an :math:`N\\times N` 2D matrix array in text format. * ``'bin'`` - an :math:`N\\times N` PETSc binary matrix. """ rank = _PETSc.Comm.Get_rank(_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) createPath(filename) vecArray = vecToArray(vec) matArray = vecArray.reshape([_np.sqrt(vecArray.size),_np.sqrt(vecArray.size)]) if filetype == 'txt': #if rank == 0: _np.savetxt(filename,matArray) txtSave = _PETSc.Viewer().createASCII(filename, 'w', format=_PETSc.Viewer.Format.ASCII_DENSE, comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) txtSave(arrayToMat(matArray)) txtSave.destroy() if rank == 0: for line in _fl.FileInput(filename,inplace=1): if line[2] != 't': line = line.replace(" i","j") line = line.replace(" -","-") line = line.replace("+-","-") print line, elif filetype == 'bin': binSave = _PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(filename, 'w', comm=_PETSc.COMM_WORLD) binSave(arrayToMat(matArray)) binSave.destroy() vec.comm.barrier()
[docs]def loadMatToVec(filename,filetype): """ Load a :math:`N\\times N` matrix as a :math:`N^2` element PETSc vector. This is useful when wanting to import the full statespace of a 2 particle quantum walk to use for propagation. Args: filename (str): path to the input file. filetype (str): the filetype * ``'txt'`` - an :math:`N\\times N` 2D matrix array in text format. * ``'bin'`` - **Not yet implemented! Please use a txt \ format for this type of import**. """ if filetype == 'txt': try: try: matArray = _np.loadtxt(filename,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType) except: filefix = [] for line in _fl.FileInput(filename,inplace=0): if line[2] != 't': line = line.replace(" i","j") line = line.replace(" -","-") line = line.replace("+-","-") filefix.append(line) matArray = _np.loadtxt(filefix,dtype=_PETSc.ScalarType) vecArray = matArray.reshape(matArray.shape[0]**2) return arrayToVec(vecArray) except: print "\nERROR: input state space file " + filename\ + " does not exist or is in an incorrect format" _sys.exit() elif filetype == 'bin': print '\nERROR: only works for txt storage!' _sys.exit()