========================== :mod:`pyCTQW.MPI` Package ========================== .. module:: pyCTQW.MPI Contains distributed memory methods for calculating: * the continuous-time quantum walk on arbitrary graphs and lines for 1, 2 and 3 particles * Non-interacting and interacting walks * Entanglement calculations * ability to place diagonal defects/barriers on graph vertices * contains MPI graph isomorphism methods, for both 2 and 3 interacting particles These classes also contain plotting methods, to visualise the quantum walking dynamics .. currentmodule:: pyCTQW.MPI Arbitrary graph QW -------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: Graph Graph2P Graph3P .. seealso:: Examples using these objects and methods: :doc:`examples/1P_3cayley/1P_3cayley`, :doc:`examples/2P_3cayley/2P_3cayley`, :doc:`examples/3P_3cayley/3P_3cayley` Infinite line QW -------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: Line Line2P Line3P .. seealso:: Examples using these objects and methods: :doc:`examples/1P_line/1P_line`, :doc:`examples/2P_line/2P_line`, :doc:`examples/3P_line/3P_line` .. .. important:: .. * only **even** number nodes `N` are permitted for the :class:`Line` classes. .. * unlike the :class:`Graph` classes, which label the graph nodes \ .. from :math:`j\in\{0,\dots,N-1\}`, the :class:`Line` classes \ .. label the nodes on the line from :math:`j\in\{1-N/2,\dots,N/2\}`. Graph Isomorphism -------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: GraphISO .. seealso:: Examples using this object: :doc:`examples/GraphISO_sr/GraphISO_sr`, :doc:`examples/GraphISO_3cayley/GraphISO_3cayley` Submodules -------------------------- .. caution:: The methods and classes available in these submodules have been designed to work with the classes listed above; that is, they are being called implicitly by the above classes, invisible to the user. It is not recommended that they be used by themselves, however it is possible to do so. .. autosummary:: :toctree: pyCTQW.MPI.io pyCTQW.MPI.plot pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw