
class Graph2P(N, filename=None, filetype=None, d=None, amp=None, interaction=0.0, bosonic=False)

Bases: pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.QuantumWalkP2

Performs and analyses 2 particle continuous-time quantum walks on graphs

Parameters:N (int) – number of nodes to initialize the walker with. Nodes are labeled \(j\in\{0,N-1\}\).


To create a 2P CTQW Graph object for a 10 node graph,

>>> walk = pyCTQW.MPI.Graph2P(10)


if filename AND filetype are provided, this automatically creates a PETSc Hamiltonian matrix, neglecting the need to run createH(). For details on the other keyword arguments, see createH().

Method Summary

Graph2P.clearLiveGraph() Destroys the live plot object previously created by Graph2P.plotLiveGraph().
Graph2P.createH(filename, filetype[, d, ...]) Generate the Hamiltonian of the graph.
Graph2P.createInitState(initState) Generate the initial state of the quantum walk.
Graph2P.destroy() Destroys the 2 particle quantum walk object, and all associated PETSc matrices/vectors.
Graph2P.exportPartialTrace(filename, filetype) Exports the partial trace of the density matrix to a file.
Graph2P.exportState(filename, filetype) Exports the final state psi of the quantum walk to a file.
Graph2P.importInitState(filename, filetype) Imports the initial state of the quantum walk from a file.
Graph2P.plot(filename) Creates a plot of probability vs node.
Graph2P.plotEntanglement(filename) Creates a plot of the entanglement over time.
Graph2P.plotGraph([size, probX, probY, output]) Creates a plot of probability vs node superimposed on a 3D visualisation of the graph vertices.
Graph2P.plotLiveGraph(dt[, size, probX, probY]) Creates a live, updated plot of probability vs node superimposed on a 3D visualisation of the graph vertices.
Graph2P.plotNode(filename, node[, t]) Creates a plot of the marginal probablities on a specified node over time.
Graph2P.plotNodes(filename[, p, t]) Creates a plot of the node probablities over time.
Graph2P.propagate(t[, method]) Propagates the quantum walk for time t.
Graph2P.psiToInit() Copies the state self.psi to self.psi0.[, watchtype]) Creates a handle that watches either marginal probability or walker entanglement during propagation.

Attribute Summary

Attribute Type Description
Graph2P.psi0 petsc4py.PETSc.Vec() \(N^2\) element PETSc vector containing the initial state
Graph2P.psi petsc4py.PETSc.Vec() \(N^2\) element PETSc vector containing the final state after the last propagation.
Graph2P.psiX petsc4py.PETSc.Vec() \(N\) element PETSc vector containing the marginal propability of particle 1
Graph2P.psiY petsc4py.PETSc.Vec() \(N\) element PETSc vector containing the marginal propability of particle 2
Graph2P.H pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.Hamiltonian() Hamiltonian matrix
Graph2P.EigSolver pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.EigSolver() The Hamiltonian eigensolver
Graph2P.handle pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.nodeHandle() A node handle, created if nodes are being watched for probability.
Graph2P.entanglementHandle pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.entanglementHandle() A node handle, created if the entanglement is being watched.