
Graph3P.createH(filename, filetype, d=None, amp=None, layout='spring', delimiter=None, interaction=0.0)

Generate the Hamiltonian of the graph.

  • filename (str) – path to the file containing the adjacency matrix of the graph
  • filetype (str) –

    the filetype of the imported adjacency matrix.

    • 'txt' - an \(N\times N\) dense 2D array in text format.
    • 'bin' - an \(N\times N\) PETSc binary matrix.
  • d (array of ints) – an array containing integers indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. d=[0,1,4]).
  • amp (array of floats) – an array containing floats indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in d (e.g. amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]).
  • layout (str) –

    the format to store the position of the nodes (only used when running plotGraph()).

    • spring (default) - spring layout.
    • circle - nodes are arranged in a circle.
    • spectral - nodes are laid out according to the spectrum of the graph.
    • random - nodes are arranged in a random pattern.
  • delimiter (str) – this is passed to numpy.genfromtxt in the case of strange delimiters in an imported txt file.
  • interaction (float) – the amplitude of interaction between the two walkers when located on the same vertex.

:this creates a Hamiltonian object, accessed via the attibute Graph3P.H.

Return type:



This needs to be called only if the filename and filetype of the graph were not already called when the Graph object was initialized.


  • The number of nodes in the imported adjacency matrix must match the number of nodes the Graph2P object is initialized with.

  • The size of amp and d must be identical

    >>> amp = [0.5,-1.,4.2]
    >>> len(d) == len(amp)