Generate the Hamiltonian of the graph.
- Args:
filename (str): path to the file containing the adjacency matrix of the graph
filetype (str): the filetype of the imported adjacency matrix.
- 'txt' - an \(N\times N\) dense 2D array in text format.
- 'bin' - an \(N\times N\) PETSc binary matrix.
- d (array of ints): an array containing integers indicating the nodes
- where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. d=[0,1,4]).
- amp (array of floats): an array containing floats indicating the diagonal defect
- amplitudes corresponding to each element in d (e.g. amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]).
- layout (str): the format to store the position of the nodes (only used
when running plotGraph()).
- spring (default) - spring layout.
- circle - nodes are arranged in a circle.
- spectral - nodes are laid out according to the spectrum of the graph.
- random - nodes are arranged in a random pattern.
- delimiter (str): this is passed to numpy.genfromtxt
- in the case of strange delimiters in an imported txt file.
interaction (float): the amplitude of interaction between the two walkers when located on the same vertex.
bosonic (bool): if true, a Bosonic Hamiltonian is generated.
- Returns:
- :this creates a Hamiltonian object, accessed via the attibute
- Graph2P.H.
rtype: pyCTQW.MPI.ctqw.Hamiltonian()
- Note:
- This needs to be called only if the filename and filetype of the graph were not already called when the Graph object was initialized.
The number of nodes in the imported adjacency matrix must match the number of nodes the Graph2P object is initialized with.
The size of amp and d must be identical
>>> amp = [0.5,-1.,4.2] >>> len(d) == len(amp) True