Quickstart Guide

Creating Python Scripts

Once pyCTQW.MPI is installed, calculations involving CTQWs can be called in several ways:

The syntax in both cases are identical, however this guide will be deal with executable Python scripts.


The first step is to initialize the PETSc environment, and import the pyCTQW.MPI module:

import sys, petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc
import pyCTQW.MPI as qw

Command Line Options

Next, PETSc can be used to create command line options for the script; for example, the following code creates two command line options, t and N, with default values of 100 and 20 respectively:

OptDB = PETSc.Options()
N = OptDB.getInt('N', 100)
t = OptDB.getReal('t', 20)

Furthermore, most PETSc and SLEPc subroutines accept command line options which modify their settings; for instance, when using the SLEPc EPS eigensolver, the EPS type can be changed dynamically when run through the following options:

$ mpirun -np 2 <program> -eps_type='lapack'

See also

For more details, please refer to the PETSc and SLEPc documentation.

Rank and I/O

When running on multiple nodes, we sometimes want only one node to perform a calculation or operation – for instance, for I/O operations where all nodes already have the same information. Using PETSc, the rank (MPI process number) can be determined for each process, and conditional statements used to control which node performs the I/O operation:

rank =  PETSc.Comm.Get_rank(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)

if rank == 0:
        print '1P Line\n'


  • Be careful though: all of the methods and functions available in pyCTQW.MPI are designed to work globally on all processes, and should not be created or called on a subset of all available nodes. Doing so may cause your program to hang.
  • Most objects in pyCTQW.MPI contain I/O methods, for instance pyCTQW.MPI.Graph.exportState(); these are global over all nodes (as mentioned above) and should be used over custom methods when possible.
  • I/O operations involving PETSc objects (for instance PETSc.Vec.view()) are also designed to be global/collective over all nodes; see petsc4py for relevant documentation.

Creating CTQW objects

All available objects and methods are detailed over at the API documentation pages pyCTQW.MPI.

See also

You can also refer to the examples to see how CTQW objects can be manipulated

Running your script

Once your script is complete, save it with a .py extension, and make it executable by running

$ chmod +x <script>.py

where <script> is the file path of your script. Then, to run your program, simply run in a terminal

$ mpirun -np X <script>.py [options]

where X is the number of MPI processes to run.

Code profiling

PETSc also allows for easy code profiling by supplying the command line option -log_summary when executing your script, and this is built in to pyCTQW.MPI; for instance, the methods available in pyCTQW.MPI.Line2P() automatically create log stages for creating the Hamiltonian, initial state, finding the eigenvalues, propagation etc.

If you wish to create custom log stages, this can also be done:

stage1 = _PETSc.Log.Stage('First Stage')
# place stage 1 functions/operations here

See also

For more details, please refer to the petsc4py documentation.