Source code for pyCTQW.MPI.plot

#  This file provides a variety of plotting functions.
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyCTQW - Distributed memory CTQW Fortran library and Python module
#  Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Joshua Izaac
#  pyCTQW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation.
#  pyCTQW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
#  more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with pyCTQW. If not, see <>.
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from petsc4py import PETSc as _PETSc
from matplotlib import pyplot as _plt
import numpy as _np
import pylab as _pl

import io as _io

#----------------------- Plotting functions -------------------------

[docs]def plot(x,prob,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N,rank): """ Creates a plot of probability vs graph node for a specified time. Args: N (int) : the number of nodes to be plotted x (array or numpy.array of ints) : array of length :math:`N` containing the nodes to be plotted prob (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. t (float) : the time of the measurement init_state (array) : an :math:`n\\times 2` array, containing the initial \ state of the quantum walker in the format ``[[j1,amp1],[j2,amp2],...]``. d (array of ints): an array containing *integers* indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. ``d=[0,1,4]``). amp (array of floats): an array containing *floats* indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in ``d`` (e.g. ``amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]``). rank (int): the rank of each MPI node calling this function. Warning: * The size of ``amp`` and ``d`` must be identical * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ def prob_plot_p1(probVec,savefile,t,initstate,d,a,N): # convert vectors to arrays prob = _np.real(_np.asarray(probVec)) # create plot fig = _plt.figure() _plt.plot(x, prob) _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.xlabel("$j$") # Plot titles if initstate[0]=='f': disp = "\nInitial state: {0}" IS_disp = [initstate] else: IS_disp = () disp = "\nInitial state: $|\psi(0)\\rangle=" for i in range(len(initstate)): IS_disp = IS_disp + ("({1: .3g})|{0.real: .0f}\\rangle".format(*(initstate[i])),) if i == 0: disp = disp + "{" + str(i) + "} " else: disp = disp + "+ {" + str(i) + "} " _plt.suptitle("CTQW probability distribution at time $t={}$".format(t)) if (len(list(set(a))) == 1) and (list(set(a))[0] == 0.0): _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) else: def_disp = "\nDefects: $" for i in range(len(d)): def_disp += "{1: .3}|{0}\\rangle +".format(d[i],a[i]) _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$" + def_disp[:-2] + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) # save plot _plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close() # scatter prob to process 0 commX = prob.getComm() scatterX, prob0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(prob) scatterX.scatter(prob, prob0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # use process 0 to create the plot if rank==0: prob_plot_p1(prob0,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N) # deallocate commX.barrier() scatterX.destroy() prob0.destroy()
[docs]def plot2P(x,psiX,psiY,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N,rank): """ Creates a plot of probability vs graph node for two probability distributions at a specified time. Args: N (int) : the number of nodes to be plotted x (array or numpy.array of ints) : array of length :math:`N` containing the nodes to be plotted psiX (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. psiY (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. t (float) : the time of the measurement init_state (array) : an :math:`n\\times 3` array, containing the initial \ state of the quantum walker in the format ``[[x1,y1,amp1],[x2,y2,amp2],...]``. d (array of ints): an array containing *integers* indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. ``d=[0,1,4]``). amp (array of floats): an array containing *floats* indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in ``d`` (e.g. ``amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]``). rank (int): the rank of each MPI node calling this function. Warning: * The size of ``a`` and ``d`` must be identical * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ def prob_plot_p2(psiX,psiY,savefile,t,initstate,d,a,N): # convert vectors to arrays probX = _np.real(_np.asarray(psiX)) probY = _np.real(_np.asarray(psiY)) # create plot lbl = [0,1]; fig = _plt.figure() lbl[0], = _plt.plot(x, probX, 'b-') lbl[1], = _plt.plot(x, probY, 'r--') _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.xlabel("$j$") # legend leg = _plt.legend(lbl, ['P1','P2'], loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.015, 0.93)) _plt.setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize='small') # Plot titles if initstate[0]=='f': disp = "\nInitial state: {0}" IS_disp = [initstate] else: IS_disp = () disp = "\nInitial state: $|\psi(0)\\rangle=" for i in range(len(initstate)): IS_disp = IS_disp + ("({2: .3g})|{0.real: .0f},{1.real: .0f}\\rangle".format(*(initstate[i])),) if i == 0: disp = disp + "{" + str(i) + "} " else: disp = disp + "+ {" + str(i) + "} " _plt.suptitle("CTQW probability distribution at time $t={}$".format(t)) if (len(list(set(a))) == 1) and (list(set(a))[0] == 0.0): _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) else: def_disp = "\nDefects: $" for i in range(len(d)): def_disp += "{1: .3}|{0}\\rangle +".format(d[i],a[i]) _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$" + def_disp[:-2] + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) # save plot #_plt.ylim((0,0.3)) _plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close() # scatter psiX to process 0 commX = psiX.getComm() scatterX, psiX0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(psiX) scatterX.scatter(psiX, psiX0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # scatter psiY to process 0 commY = psiY.getComm() scatterY, psiY0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(psiY) scatterY.scatter(psiY, psiY0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # use process 0 to create the plot if rank==0: prob_plot_p2(psiX0,psiY0,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N) # deallocate commX.barrier() scatterX.destroy() psiX0.destroy() commY.barrier() scatterY.destroy() psiY0.destroy()
[docs]def plot3P(x,psiX,psiY,psiZ,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N,rank): """ Creates a plot of probability vs graph node for three probability distributions at a specified time. Args: N (int) : the number of nodes to be plotted x (array or numpy.array of ints) : array of length :math:`N` containing the nodes to be plotted psiX (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. psiY (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. psiZ (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : vector of length :math:`N` containing probabilities for each node in ``x``. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. t (float) : the time of the measurement init_state (array) : an :math:`n\\times 3` array, containing the initial \ state of the quantum walker in the format ``[[x1,y1,amp1],[x2,y2,amp2],...]``. d (array of ints): an array containing *integers* indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. ``d=[0,1,4]``). amp (array of floats): an array containing *floats* indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in ``d`` (e.g. ``amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]``). rank (int): the rank of each MPI node calling this function. Warning: * The size of ``a`` and ``d`` must be identical * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ def prob_plot_p3(psiX,psiY,psiZ,savefile,t,initstate,d,a,N): # convert vectors to arrays probX = _np.real(_np.asarray(psiX)) probY = _np.real(_np.asarray(psiY)) probZ = _np.real(_np.asarray(psiZ)) # create plot lbl = [0,1,2]; fig = _plt.figure() lbl[0], = _plt.plot(x, probX, 'b-') lbl[1], = _plt.plot(x, probY, 'r--') lbl[2], = _plt.plot(x, probZ, 'g-.') _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.xlabel("$j$") # legend leg = _plt.legend(lbl, ['P1','P2','P3'], loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.015, 0.93)) _plt.setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize='small') # Plot titles if initstate[0]=='f': disp = "\nInitial state: {0}" IS_disp = [initstate] else: IS_disp = () disp = "\nInitial state: $|\psi(0)\\rangle=" for i in range(len(initstate)): IS_disp = IS_disp + ("({3: .3g})|{0.real: .0f},{1.real: .0f},{2.real: .0f}\\rangle".format(*(initstate[i])),) if i == 0: disp = disp + "{" + str(i) + "} " else: disp = disp + "+ {" + str(i) + "} " _plt.suptitle("CTQW probability distribution at time $t={}$".format(t)) if (len(list(set(a))) == 1) and (list(set(a))[0] == 0.0): _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$", fontsize=11,multialignment='left') else: def_disp = "\nDefects: $" for i in range(len(d)): def_disp += "{1: .3}|{0}\\rangle +".format(d[i],a[i]) _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$" + def_disp[:-2] + "$", fontsize=11,multialignment='left') # save plot #_plt.ylim((0,0.3)) _plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close() # scatter psiX to process 0 commX = psiX.getComm() scatterX, psiX0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(psiX) scatterX.scatter(psiX, psiX0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # scatter psiY to process 0 commY = psiY.getComm() scatterY, psiY0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(psiY) scatterY.scatter(psiY, psiY0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # scatter psiZ to process 0 commZ = psiY.getComm() scatterZ, psiZ0 = _PETSc.Scatter.toZero(psiZ) scatterY.scatter(psiZ, psiZ0, False, _PETSc.Scatter.Mode.FORWARD) # use process 0 to create the plot if rank==0: prob_plot_p3(psiX0,psiY0,psiZ0,savefile,t,init_state,d,amp,N) # deallocate commX.barrier() scatterX.destroy() psiX0.destroy() commY.barrier() scatterY.destroy() psiY0.destroy() commZ.barrier() scatterZ.destroy() psiZ0.destroy() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #----------------------- Graph plot functions ----------------------- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def getGraphNodes(adj,layout='spring'): """ Returns arrays containing cartesian coordinates of the nodes/connections \ contained in the input adjacency matrix. Args: adj (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : an :math:`N\\times N` PETSc-type adjacency matrix. layout (str): the format to store the position of the nodes (only used when running :func:`plotGraph`). * ``spring`` *(default)* - spring layout. * ``circle`` - nodes are arranged in a circle. * ``spectral`` - nodes are laid out according to the \ spectrum of the graph. * ``random`` - nodes are arranged in a random pattern. :rtype: tuple of arrays .. important:: Requires `NetworkX <>`_ .. admonition:: Example >>> nodePos, lineX, lineY = pyCTQW.MPI.plots.getGraphNodes(adj,layout='spring') where * :attr:`nodePos` contains the :math:`(x,y)` coordinates of the vertices * :attr:`lineX` contains the :math:`x` coordinates of edges connecting vertices * :attr:`lineY` contains the :math:`y` coordinates of edges connecting vertices """ try: import networkx as _nx except: print '\nNetworkX Python module required for graph plotting!' return graph = _nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(_io.matToSparse(adj).real) if layout == 'circle': pos = _nx.circular_layout(graph) elif layout == 'spectral': pos = _nx.spectral_layout(graph) elif layout == 'random': pos = _nx.random_layout(graph) elif layout == 'shell': pos = _nx.shell_layout(graph) else: pos = _nx.spring_layout(graph,dim=2) testpos = [] for i in pos.itervalues(): testpos.append(i.tolist()) testpos = _np.array(testpos) lineX = [] lineY = [] for i in _nx.edges(graph): lineX.append([testpos[i[0]][0], testpos[i[1]][0]]) lineY.append([testpos[i[0]][1], testpos[i[1]][1]]) return testpos, lineX, lineY
[docs]def plotGraph(ax,pos,lineX,lineY,prob=None,prob2=None,nodesize=None,barscale=1, barcolor='green',baralpha=0.25,barcolor2='blue',baralpha2=0.25, bartext=False,bartextcolor='black',bartextbg=None,btoffset=[-0.025,-0.025,0.05], bartext2=False,bartextcolor2='black',bartextbg2=None,btoffset2=[-0.025,-0.025,-0.05], nodecolor='red',nodealpha=0.5, nodetext=True,nodetextcolor='black',nodetextbg=None,nodetextbg2=None,ntoffset=[0,0,-0.15]): """ Creates a plot of probability vs node superimposed on a 3D visualisation of the graph vertices. Args: ax (mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.plt3d.Axes3D): a matplotlib 3D axes to plot the graph on. pos (array) : :math:`(x,y)` coordinates of the graph vertices. lineX (array): :math:`x` coordinates of graph edges connecting vertices. lineY (array): :math:`y` coordinates of graph edges connecting vertices. probP (petsc4py.PETSc.Vec) : the probability to be represented as bars placed above/below each graph vertex for ``P=(1|2)`` repectively. If ``None``, the graph is plotted without any probability. Keyword Args: nodesize (float) : size of the vertices in the plot. If left blank, this is determined automatically. nodecolor (str) : vertex color (*default* ``'red'``). For more details on how to specify a color, see the `matplotlib documentation <>`_. nodealpha (float) : value between 0 and 1 specifying the vertex opacity (*default* 0.25) nodetext (bool) : if set ``True``, the vertices are labelled by number. nodetextcolor (str) : vertex label text color (*default* ``'black'``). nodetextbg (str) : vertex label background color (*default* ``'None'``). ntofffset (array of floats): the :math:`(x,y,z)` vertex label offset relative \ to the vertex (*default* ``[0.,0.,-0.15]``). barscaleP (float) : scaled height of the probability bars (*default* ``1``). barcolorP (str) : probability bar color (*default* ``'green'``). baralphaP (float) : value between 0 and 1 specifying the opacity (*default* 0.25) bartext (bool) : if set ``True``, the probability bars are labelled with their value. bartextcolorP (str) : probability label text color (*default* ``'black'``). bartextbgP (str) : probability label background color (*default* ``'None'``). btoffsetP (array of floats): the :math:`(x,y,z)` probability label offset relative to the top of the probability bars (*default* ``[-0.025,-0.025,0.05]``) .. important:: * Where an argument ends with ``P`` above, substitute ``P=(1|2)`` to \ access the property for particle 1 and 2 respectively. * Only MPI node **0** will run this function; all others will just ``Pass``. \ **Thus if the** :attr:`probP` **vectors are distributed over multiple nodes, \ they must first be gathered to node 0** * This function does not initialize a 3D matplotlib figure/axes; that **must** be done \ independently, and passed through the :attr:`ax` argument. """ # use process 0 to create the plot rank = _PETSc.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if rank==0: from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter as cl from matplotlib.patches import Circle import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d for i in range(len(lineX)): ax.plot(lineX[i], lineY[i],zs=-0.01,color='black',alpha=0.8, linewidth=2) #ax.scatter3D(pos.T[0], pos.T[1], color = 'orange', marker = "o", s=200) #ax.bar3d([x-0.04 for x in pos.T[0]],[x-0.04 for x in pos.T[1]], # _np.zeros_like(pos.T[0]),0.08,0.08,0, color='orange',alpha=0.3,edgecolor='gray') if nodesize is None: nodesize=[] for i in range(len(lineX)): nodesize.append(_np.sqrt(_np.sum(_np.square([-_np.subtract(*lineX[i]), -_np.subtract(*lineY[i])])))) nodesize=min(_np.min(nodesize)*0.6/2,0.05) for i in range(len(pos)): p = Circle((pos.T[0][i], pos.T[1][i]), nodesize, color=nodecolor, alpha=nodealpha) ax.add_patch(p) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z=0.0, zdir="z") if nodetext: ax.text(pos.T[0][i]+ntoffset[0], pos.T[1][i]+ntoffset[1],ntoffset[2],str(i),color=nodetextcolor, bbox=(None if nodetextbg is None else dict(facecolor=nodetextbg, alpha=0.2))) if prob is not None: # probability bars for i,val in enumerate(prob): if val != 0: ax.bar3d(pos.T[0][i]-0.7*nodesize/2,pos.T[1][i]-0.7*nodesize/2,0,0.7*nodesize,0.7*nodesize,val*barscale, color=barcolor,edgecolor=cl.to_rgba(cl(),barcolor,alpha=baralpha),alpha=baralpha) if bartext: ax.text(pos.T[0][i]+btoffset[0], pos.T[1][i]+btoffset[1],val*barscale+btoffset[2],'{0: .4f}'.format(val), color=bartextcolor,bbox=(None if bartextbg is None else dict(facecolor=nodetextbg, alpha=0.1))) if prob2 is not None: # probability bars for i,val in enumerate(prob2): if val != 0: ax.bar3d(pos.T[0][i]-0.7*nodesize/2,pos.T[1][i]-0.7*nodesize/2,0,0.7*nodesize,0.7*nodesize,-val*barscale, color=barcolor2,edgecolor=cl.to_rgba(cl(),barcolor2,alpha=baralpha2),alpha=baralpha2) if bartext: ax.text(pos.T[0][i]+btoffset[0], pos.T[1][i]+btoffset[1],-val*barscale-btoffset[2],'{0: .4f}'.format(val), color=bartextcolor2,bbox=(None if bartextbg2 is None else dict(facecolor=nodetextbg2, alpha=0.1))) if prob2 is None: ax.set_zlim3d([0,1]) else: ax.set_zlim3d([-1,1]) ax.set_xlim3d([pos.T[0].min(),pos.T[0].max()]) ax.set_ylim3d([pos.T[1].min(),pos.T[1].max()]) ax.set_axis_off()
[docs]def plotEntanglement(t,entArray,savefile,initstate,d,a): """ Creates a plot of entanglement vs time. Args: t (array of floats) : array containing the time data. entArray (array or numpy.array of floats) : array of length matching :attr:`t` \ containing the entanglement data to be plotted. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. initstate (array) : an :math:`n\\times 3` array, containing the initial \ state of the quantum walker in the format ``[[x1,y1,amp1],[x2,y2,amp2],...]``. d (array of ints): an array containing *integers* indicating the nodes where diagonal defects are to be placed (e.g. ``d=[0,1,4]``). a (array of floats): an array containing *floats* indicating the diagonal defect amplitudes corresponding to each element in ``d`` (e.g. ``amp=[0.5,-1,4.2]``). Warning: * The size of ``a`` and ``d`` must be identical * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ # create plot fig = _plt.figure() _plt.plot(t, entArray) _plt.ylabel("Entanglement",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.xlabel("$t$") # Plot titles if initstate[0]=='f': disp = "\nInitial state: {0}" IS_disp = [initstate] else: IS_disp = () disp = "\nInitial state: $|\psi(0)\\rangle=" for i in range(len(initstate)): IS_disp = IS_disp + ("({2: .3g})|{0.real: .0f},{1.real: .0f}\\rangle".format(*(initstate[i])),) if i == 0: disp = disp + "{" + str(i) + "} " else: disp = disp + "+ {" + str(i) + "} " _plt.suptitle("CTQW two particle entanglement") if (len(list(set(a))) == 1) and (list(set(a))[0] == 0.0): _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) else: def_disp = "\nDefects: $" for i in range(len(d)): def_disp += "{1: .3}|{0}\\rangle +".format(d[i],a[i]) _plt.title(disp.format(*IS_disp) + "$" + def_disp[:-2] + "$", multialignment='left', fontsize=11) # save plot _plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close()
[docs]def plotNodes(time,nodes,probArray,savefile,p=0): """ Creates a plot of probability vs time for specified nodes. Args: time (array or numpy.array of floats) : array containing the nodes to be plotted nodes (array) : the node numbers to be plotted. probArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing probabilities over time for each node. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. p (int) : (``0``-``3``) - the particle that is being plotted. If ``p=0``, then it is assumed that this is a 1 particle system. Warning: * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ from itertools import cycle nodeNum = probArray.shape[0] # create plot lbl = range(nodeNum) plotStyles = cycle(["-","--","-.",":"]) fig = _plt.figure() for i in range(nodeNum): lbl[i], = _plt.plot(time, probArray[i], next(plotStyles)) _plt.xlabel("$t$") _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.2) # legend leg = _plt.legend(lbl, [str(x) for x in nodes], loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.3),ncol=8, fancybox=True) _plt.setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize='small') if p == 0: _plt.title("CTQW probability distribution over time") else: _plt.title("Particle {} CTQW probability distribution over time".format(p)) # save plot #_plt.ylim((0,0.3)) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close()
[docs]def plotNodes2P(time,node,probXArray,probYArray,savefile): """ Creates a 2 particle plot of probability vs time for specified nodes. Args: time (array or numpy.array of floats) : array containing the nodes to be plotted nodes (array) : the node numbers to be plotted. probXArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing particle 1 probabilities \ over time for each node. probYArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing particle 2 probabilities \ over time for each node. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. Warning: * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ from itertools import cycle # create plot lbl = range(2) plotStyles = cycle(["-","--","-.",":"]) fig = _plt.figure() lbl[0], = _plt.plot(time, probXArray, next(plotStyles)) lbl[1], = _plt.plot(time, probYArray, next(plotStyles)) _plt.xlabel("$t$") _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.85, top=0.9, bottom=0.1) # legend leg = _plt.legend(lbl, ['P1','P2'], loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5), fancybox=True) _plt.setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize='small') _plt.title("CTQW probability of node {} over time".format(node)) # save plot #_plt.ylim((0,0.3)) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close()
[docs]def plotNodes3P(time,node,probXArray,probYArray,probZArray,savefile): """ Creates a 3 particle plot of probability vs time for specified nodes. Args: time (array or numpy.array of floats) : array containing the nodes to be plotted nodes (array) : the node numbers to be plotted. probXArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing particle 1 probabilities \ over time for each node. probYArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing particle 2 probabilities \ over time for each node. probZArray (numpy.array of floats) : 2D array containing particle 3 probabilities \ over time for each node. savefile (str) : the absolute/relative path to the desired output file. Warning: * ensure a file extension is present so that filetype is correctly set\ (choose one of png, pdf, ps, eps or svg). """ from itertools import cycle # create plot lbl = range(3) plotStyles = cycle(["-","--","-.",":"]) fig = _plt.figure() lbl[0], = _plt.plot(time, probXArray, next(plotStyles)) lbl[1], = _plt.plot(time, probYArray, next(plotStyles)) lbl[2], = _plt.plot(time, probZArray, next(plotStyles)) _plt.xlabel("$t$") _plt.ylabel("$|\langle j|\psi\\rangle|^2$",rotation=90) _plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) _plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.85, top=0.9, bottom=0.1) # legend leg = _plt.legend(lbl, ['P1','P2','P3'], loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5), fancybox=True) _plt.setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize='small') _plt.title("CTQW probability of node {} over time".format(node)) # save plot #_plt.ylim((0,0.3)) _pl.savefig(savefile) _plt.close()